Sun Chemical Releases Regulatory Newsletter

Sun Chemical released its Summer 2021 Regulatory Newsletter for customers which is available for download at
“As the world continues to adjust to updated health and safety measures as a result of the new normal, we’re proud to continue to offer our regulatory newsletters as a simplified alternative to digesting new and ongoing regulatory and compliance issues,” said Gary Andrzejewski, Corporate Vice President, Environmental Affairs, Sun Chemical. “These newsletters provide our customers and other industry professionals with an all-in-one snapshot of worldwide current regulations to help ensure packaging compliance with even the strictest of standards.”
The latest newsletter features details about the review and revision of the European Union (EU) food contact material legislation, updated guidance relating to food contact materials in the United Kingdom (UK) and more. Here’s a list of some of the regulations featured in the newsletter:
EU’s review of its Inception Impact Assessment (IIA) roadmap
Germany’s intention to introduce a 22nd amendment to their Consumer Goods Ordinance
United Kingdom’s Food Standards Agency new guidance relating to authorisation of new food contact materials
The United States’ announcement to ban PFAS in four types of food packaging beginning in 2023
The Chinese National Health Commission’s (NHC) new national food safety standards
The Japanese Printing Ink Makers Association (JPIMA) negative list of substances
India’s revised Indian Standard (IS 15495), Printing Ink for Food Packaging—Code of Practice
Thailand’s consultation on draft regulations to set substance concentration limits for non-colored paper and board containers for general and hot-fill food
Australia’s new published guidance on chemical use in food contact materials
Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standard’s draft standards regarding mandatory requirements for biodegradable materials, single-use food contact products and packaging in contact with food and beverages
Tanzania published draft of standards for polyethylene FCMs
As a global leader in sustainable, eco-efficient business practices, Sun Chemical strives to produce bio-renewable, recyclable and compostable products to help its customers meet regulations and reach sustainability goals. Sun Chemical’s annual Corporate Sustainability Report focuses on its commitment to new sustainable products and services to meet customer demand. The most recent report can be found here: