Saudi’s Education Ministry Launches Paperless Certificates

The Saudi Ministry of Education (MoE) has launched a digital certificate service for issuing and authenticating general education certificates without the need to print and stamp the original paper and authenticate true copies. Additionally, the beneficiary or the requesting party can verify the certificates automatically through the QR code found in the certificate or through the Noor registration system for students.
The ministry’s approval of the digital version, since 9 June, 2024, reflects its commitment to digitalise operations, including in issuing and documenting certificates, in line with the kingdom’s Vision 2030.
The reasons stated for launching this service is primarily to save on ink, paper, and other related materials used in printing, to make the procedure more cost saving for the user, and to facilitate hassle-free transactions without the need to authenticate and stamp the certificate manually. Unlike certificates printed on paper, digital certificates are also free from being damaged or lost. With around six million students, the annual cost of printing certificates is expected to decrease considerably.
The service is supported by Saudi Arabia’s Ministries of Interior, Defense, Foreign Affairs, and National Guard, along with the adoption of digital certificates across all sectors within and outside Saudi Arabia.
Once the results are announced, students can obtain their certificates electronically from the MoE’s My Results portal ( Print outs can be taken from the convenience of their home. The certificate is authenticated with a QR code, and does not require a stamp or signature. Also, employers or universities can verify it through the authentication link and the certificate’s secret code.
In case of a discrepancy in the name, the certificate holder has to update the data through the nearest school or educational department, with the name matching the identity, and re-issue the digital certificate according to the amendment. A new number will appear on the certificate.
The service will be applied in two stages. The first phase will include all general education certificates for primary, middle, and secondary levels in government and private schools, besides higher education and special education, from 2008 until the current year 2024.
In the second phase, the remaining years and stages will be completed. This will include secondary school certificates from 1980-81 until 2008-9; intermediate and primary school certificates from 1980-82 to 2009-10; international education certificates for all primary, middle, and secondary levels; and certificates from the Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University before 2013-14, and the Islamic University of Madinah certificates before 2022.