Egypt Steps up Efforts to Export Paper Products to KSA

The Egyptian Export Council for Printing, Packaging, Paper, Books and Artistic Works signed a cooperation protocol with a Tabseer company to facilitate the access of the Egyptian graphic arts companies into the Saudi and the Gulf markets.
He explained that the control measures imposed by Saudi Arabia are mainly to preserve the best quality. The process ensures the imported goods conformity to the Saudi market standards and enhances the safety of these products in order to maintain consumers’ trust which is a significant key for high competitiveness in the market.
This agreement paves the way for Egyptian exporters of printing, packaging, paper and books products to tap into lucrative markets of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf countries. Tabseer is a certified company by the Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization (SASO) which works mainly on the issuance of regulations that ensure the assessment procedures of goods, products, and services under approved standards.
the engineering products, including machines, appliances and electrical equipment are the top imported products by the Saudi Arabian market that reach SAR 30 billion monthly, which acts as a promising opportunity for manufacturers and exporters in Egypt to access the market.
The council said that the strategic relations between Egypt and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the highest political and economic levels represent an ideal model for joint cooperation, and the clear manifestation of benefits of this fruitful cooperation is increasing volume of trade exchange between the two countries which in 2016 amounted to 4.279 billion US dollars. Saudi Arabia is the first in the Arab region in terms of investments in Egypt, with more than 2,900 projects at a cost of $ 27 billion, while at the same time Egyptian investments in Saudi Arabia now includes more than 1,300 projects, valued at $ 2.5 billion. Last but not least Saudi tourism constitutes 20% of total Arab tourism in Egypt.