Southeastern Printing Buys Eight-Color Komori LED-UV Sheetfed Perfector

Komori America announced that Florida-based Southeastern Printing has purchased an eight-color Komori Lithrone 40 perfector (GL840P) with Komori’s LED-UV curing system. Since its inception in 1924, Southeastern Printing has grown by listening to customer needs and investing in the latest technologies to meet them.
With the recent addition of a new facility in Miami, Florida, the company has doubled in size and is one of Florida’s largest printing companies. This growth challenged Southeastern Printing to take a holistic approach to processes within its operation and look for ways to achieve new efficiencies in both print facilities.
“When it comes to ensuring the future of any printing company, it is critical to invest in the latest technology or you will be left behind,” said Don Mader, CEO of Southeastern Printing. “We knew it was time for a new press for a number of reasons. We wanted to increase our speed to market to meet our clients’ increasingly tight deadlines. From a sustainability standpoint, it was important to reduce our energy consumption. Finding qualified labor to run the presses is yet another critical issue every printer faces today. The bottom line is that we knew we weren’t saving money by keeping our older presses in operation because they were actually causing unnecessary costs and waste.”