Definitely NIVEA Blue – a GMG Webinar

Color management webinars from GMG are no longer an insider tip. And – for those who are unaware – all GMG webinars are recorded and available to stream on its website. The GMG webinars are moderated by color experts from the GMG Academy and regularly supported by external specialists and GMG users. For example, Nazanin Etminan, from Beiersdorf, provided particularly interesting insights into their daily challenges and explained how the NIVEA color is controlled and managed.
Color communication is a hot topic for other companies too. Which color was approved when, where and how? What visual tolerances have been defined as acceptable or not?
Consistent colors are of greatest importance, especially for established brands. However, communicating a defined color reference across a complex supply chain can be very challenging.
With GMG ColorCard, branded companies, agencies, printers, and prepress companies can create binding color cards in just a few mouse clicks. Beiersdorf’s experience shows how digitally created color cards can simplify color communication with partners and suppliers and reduce approval rounds.
“This is one of the most informative webinars I’ve attended,” said one of the participants. Explicitly addressed to Nazanin Etminan from Beiersdorf, the participant added, “Thank you for the clear and professional presentation!”
The webinar “Definitely NIVEA blue” is available to stream free of charge on the GMG website. More information is available at