Exclusive Q&A: Gulf Print & Pack 2025

In this series, ME Printer brings you exclusive, showfloor interviews with industry stalwarts at Gulf Print & Pack 2025, Riyadh, the leading commercial print and packaging trade show in the Middle East. This was the inaugural edition of GPP to be held in Saudi Arabia.
In conversation with Barry Killengrey, Event Director, Gulf Print & Pack, 2025.
What inspired the decision to organise Gulf Print & Pack 2025 in Riyadh?
The Gulf Print & Pack event in Dubai is biennial, lending itself to an edition in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) on an odd year. The appetite from the industry was there and it aligns with the country’s Vision 2030 goal to replace imports with domestic production. This creates a huge demand for print and packaging of all kinds and is heavily focused on sustainability and digital transformation. Gulf Print & Pack is poised to play a pivotal role in advancing the region’s printing and packaging industries in line with how the industry was unfolding in Saudi Arabia.
Did the exhibition meet your expectations in terms of turnout, engagement, and overall success?
We knew the demand for this show was strong and we were extremely satisfied with the result. The combination of manufacturers with their regional partners ensured we had full coverage of the MENA region.
Were there any notable business transactions or partnerships finalised during the show?
We are still tabulating business done at the show, exhibitors are still giving us feedback. The consensus is that many deals were done, what we call a Show & Sell Event!
Could you provide a breakdown of the visitors by country or region?
To date we can only quote an approximate percentage, roughly an 85%/ 15% split between KSA versus international visitors, which reflects the fact the Saudi market was the prime focus. The post-show report with demographics will be available next month.
Gulf Print & Pack has a long history in Dubai. What does hosting it in Saudi Arabia for the first time signify about the Kingdom’s growing print and packaging market?
The event seeks to encourage collaboration and innovation within the commercial printing and packaging sectors, particularly in fast developing markets like Saudi Arabia. The show created new opportunities across the printing and packaging spectrum.
We know that in these markets, printing and packaging businesses are more fluid compared to the highly specialised and consolidated markets in developed regions. We see commercial printers moving into packaging, while packaging converters might also have a commercial print business.
How does Gulf Print & Pack contribute to advancing sustainability and digitalisation within the Kingdom?
Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 programme emphasises that growth should be both sustainable and promote the development of a skilled, technically advanced workforce. The exhibitors at Gulf Print & Pack are promoting digitisation and automation across a wide range of print, finishing, and converting processes. This is not only about digital printing and embellishment, but also about digitising and automating analogue processes. These technology trends contribute to sustainability through a reduction in waste and energy usage, and to the reduction of manual labour in the print and converting process.
What are your long-term plans for this event, both in Saudi Arabia and Dubai?
This event was launched because of feedback garnered by the industry. A survey will go out and we will analyse the results to see if this continues to be what the industry wants and needs. Based on how well is has been received by its target audience, we believe the Gulf Print & Pack show is now firmly rooted in Saudi Arabia. For now, all we can say is watch this space!
How do you measure the success of an event like Gulf Print & Pack, beyond attendance numbers?
The visitor numbers are of course important, but if we look at the partnerships we had with key exhibitors, like Canon, Ricoh, Konica Minolta, and Fujifilm, this has never been seen before in KSA under one roof. Also, key have been our constructive partnerships with the region’s media and the ability of the show to attract major industry stakeholders from the government and from the industry.
Did the exhibition open new opportunities for partnerships with local or international businesses?
As mentioned above, the focal point was KSA. However, we saw visitors from a wide range of countries including Bahrain, Kuwait, Egypt, the UAE, and North Africa. We had international exhibitors from countries including China, the UK, and Italy, opening up new opportunities to form partnerships at many levels.
Are there specific areas you see particularly interesting in technology developments?
We see some great innovations in digital embellishment, automation, and pre-and post-press workflows. Visitors expressed interest in a huge range of applications including flexible packaging, platemaking, cutting machines, folding machines, and corrugation technologies. Digital technology was key theme for the event, emphasising the transformative potential for the industry going forward.
How does this event position Saudi Arabia as a leader in the regional print and packaging industry?
Saudi Arabia through its Vision 2030 programme has a unique opportunity to leapfrog non-automated analogue print, packaging, and converting processes, positioning itself as a showcase for sustainable, automated, and skill-based industrial development. This isn’t just about showcasing technology, it’s about creating opportunities, driving growth, and shaping the future of an industry that is vital to the region’s economic development.