Helwan University Organizes Scientific Conference

The Department of Printing, Publishing and Packaging, Faculty of Applied Arts (FAA), at Cairo’s Helwan University, organized a scientific conference that included meetings and seminars for students and faculty members with specialised industry representatives, under the patronage of Dr. Mamdouh Mahdi, the university’s acting president, and Prof. Dr. Maysoon Kotb, dean of FAA.
In conjunction with the conference, an exhibition of designs by students of applied arts in various fields including visual designing, book designing, newspaper and magazine designing, printed and multimedia designing, packaging designing etc. was organized in the faculty’s auditorium, participated by a large group of industry officials, faculty members, and students. Established in 1839, the Faculty of Applied Arts – the oldest school of applied arts in the Middle East and the university’s oldest faculty – has always emphasized on the link between students’ designs and related projects and works to solve the existing inconsistencies in design and production to enhance market competitiveness of Egyptian products.
Professor at the Department of Printing, Publishing and Packaging, Dr. Nevin Abdulaziz Saleh, says that it was for the first time that an exhibition was being held to showcase the projects of students which included those related to the subjects that were being currently taught. She also spoke about the wonderful feeling experienced by the faculty members and students for displaying their creativity which was inspected by many visitors to the exhibition.
Dr. Saleh says that the exhibition was primarily intended to convey the faculty’s message of having an aim to deliver graduates armed with fundamental skills and disciplines to come up with creative ideas and designs, so as to help create job opportunities.