W+D Virtual Direct Mail Days 2020 Live Event to be Held

W+D announces that its annual Direct Mail Days event which normally is held in Germany will take place this year virtually on November 18th starting at 1:30. This event is FREE to attend but requires that you register for a seat at the live event and archival access to the recordings of the event in case you miss it or as a pass along for others in your organization. At this virtual event we will show NEW W+D machine innovations running for envelope converting, inserting and inkjet overprinting as well as NEW applications for more engaging direct mail.
# 1 World´s first preview of a total system solution for producing high quality data driven digitally printed envelopes. First, converting personalized digital preprint on the NEW W+D 410 i Easy Enveloper envelope machine and then 1:1 content match inserting into the personalized envelope on the NEW W+D BB820 20K inserter Both production steps incorporate automatic piece tracking of the personalized print for complete job intelligence. The power of the envelope is real in the world of direct mail options. No longer is personalized direct mail relegated to just a postcard or flat sheet mailing fold. W+D now takes the power of the envelope to a new production level with data driven printed envelopes with engaging haptic finishing, windows, shapes folds and foiling all done quickly.
# 2 World premiere of NEW 20K W+D BB820 mail inserter with 1:1 system integrity + inkjet overprint a powerful platform for direct mail and the new ballot markets. The NEW W+D BB820 has been developed on the platform of the well proven BB700. The BB820 will not run flats but it will run sizes between a 7¾ and a 6 x 9 ½” and even a #14 at 20k – 25% faster than a BB700. The BB820 maintains all other key advantages of the W+D BB system platform – reliability, flexibility, intelligence and integrity. W+D inserters have set the industry standard for the highest net on the belt in intelligent direct mail and VBM ballot applications
# 3 The W+D 410 is already the world’s easiest envelope finishing machine for the direct mail market with its ability convert litho preprint or print high quality flexo and also emboss inline high value direct mail envelopes and flat sheet mail folds with very little waste at speeds up to 30,000 EPH. Now, added to 410, the WORLD’s FIRST capability to convert and piece track your high quality personalized digital print and turn them into POWERFUL 1:1 DIRECT MAIL ENVELOPE packages
# 4 World’s fastest and highest print quality (1600×1375 dpi) 4 color production Memjet inkjet overprint press running at 32,000 EPH – the all new W+D Halm ijet-2. Halm is a well know name in the envelope market with over 3,300 offset jet presses sold. W+D Halm i-jets are the most dominant and fastest Memjet inkjet envelope overprint press in the world. The latest model, the W+D Halm I-jet 2 offers even more ease of use as well as the lowest cost per/M for ink and print heads consumable costs. Make money on jobs sizes from 1 to 200,000. Finish your jobs faster, less expensive, with the highest print quality and with less people
#5 World’s first single workflow envelope machine for high quality direct mail envelope printing, coating, converting and embossing all inline. See new W+D 628RC and W+D 201CI flexo that produce sheet fed litho print and LED UV coating quality at the speed and cost efficiency of a web with 50% less production touches.