King Saud University Establishes College of Arts

The University Council of the King Saud University (KSU) at Riyadh has approved the establishment of the College of Arts. The council has also endorsed the transfer of the Department of Art Education to the new faculty while changing its name to the Department of Design, specialising in teaching fashion, jewelry, kinetic graphic, and textile designing.
Other units include the Department of Visual Arts dealing with calligraphy, drawing, printing, and sculpture; and Department of Performing Arts such as cinema, music, and theatre.
Rector of KSU Prof. Badran bin Abdulrahman Al-Omar thanked Saudi Minister of Education Dr. Hamad Al-Sheikh, and the University Council for the establishment of the College of Arts.
Founded in 1957 by King Saud bin Abdulaziz Al Saud as Riyadh University, KSU is the first university in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.