Sudan: Challenges of Printing Houses for Production of Text Books

The Vice President of the Sudanese Chambers of Industries Association, Sarah Abdel Karim, acknowledged problems facing the private sector printing presses regarding text book printing. Constant changes in school’s curricula disrupts printing operations and creates chaos and confusion among print houses, not to mention financial losses incurred by printers. Disruption in supplying and delivering text books to Sudanese students as well as Corona epidemic delayed the opening of schools across the country.
In a statement Sarah Abdel Karim called for change in authorization process text book printing and suggested that educational publishing house becomes the sole body in charge of authorization process, since this organization boasts the expertise and competent people to decide about the printing process and the technical issues regarding the production of the books.
She pointed out that changing the curricula should be done gradually, withdrawing some books and printing others or reducing them to ensure that there is no disruption in school activities.