W&H to Present live Demonstrations at K 2022

Machine manufacturer Windmöller & Hölscher will exhibit at the K 2022 in Düsseldorf, Germany with the slogan “Get in the Loop”. “New challenges to create a circular economy, new opportunities through digitalization, and the constant pressure to make production more efficient – the flexible packaging industry in 2022 is changing like never before. The W&H slogan at K 2022, “Get in the Loop” and the infinity symbol illustrate the way these three topics influence each other and contribute to the success of sustainability. At the K, we will demonstrate technologies and show examples that can give our customers a competitive edge in this time of rapid change”, says Dr. Sascha Witt, W&H’s Chief Sales Officer.
At K 2019, W&H focused predominantly on the feasibility of producing recyclable packaging solutions. In 2022, we will focus on how to manufacture these new products with maximum efficiency. “At the K 2022, once again we will present innovative solutions and show examples of specific end products. Our focus will be on particularly demanding applications, such as barrier films or packaging with an increased percentage of PIR/PCR”, says Dr. Falco Paepenmüller, Chief Technology Officer.
Automation and digital systems for improving efficiency, such as the RUBY IoTsystem, will also be a central theme for W&H in 2022. At K 2019, we showed live demonstrations of the TURBOSTART system for automated stops and start ups on blown film lines. This year, we’re going a step further by showing how automated machines can help operators boost productivity; live demonstrations will be run on the VAREX II blown film line at our booth (Hall 17, Booth A57). Visitors will be able to see the advancements for themselves, explains the CTO. For even more machine demonstrations, W&H will be inviting visitors to the four-day EXPO at its headquarters in Lengerich. More than ten machines covering extrusion, printing, and converting will be running live demonstrations several times a day. Anyone interested can register at the W&H booth at K.
K 2022 is of special significance for W&H, a family-owned company with worldwide operations: “After two digital W&H events, K 2022 will be the first major tradeshow to be held in person again. W&H will be represented by consultants from all over the world. We look forward to the personal discussions and face-to-face exchanges that are the basis of the trusting relationship we have with our customers and partners”, says CEO Peter Steinbeck.