Additive MEA Conference and Awards 2021

“international forum on 3d printing and additive manufacturing intelligence”
A platform for the new am seekers to have the opportunity in 2021, The two-day conference, awards and exhibition holds a new experience in learning, exploring and building new opportunities. The outcome has been holding with an outstanding performance in exploring the new dimension of 3d to 4d then 5d printing. Healthcare, Aviation are just few options, the technology has seen a rapid vast growth, according to future aspects the technology has been carrying with a great reward of exploring new possibilities.
Additive Middle East and Africa User Conference holds a pillar in bringing the keynotes, presentations, exhibitions and Awards Ceremony on September 13th– 14th Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
The Summit will Offer Insights and Knowledge on a Revolutionizing Technology, with Global Market Leaders and Experts to Connect under the same roof. It offers a unique relationship between clients and attendees to connect and grow together with the promise of Growth / Achieving Future Possibilities / Great Deals / Unlocking the Additive 2.O and making a value able summit in a B2B Environment