XSYS Increases Price for nyloflex Products

During 2021, the rise in costs has reached unprecedented levels, affecting all businesses and their suppliers throughout the printing industry. Until now, XSYS has been able to secure supply of key raw materials and access to supply networks by absorbing this cost inflation through various cost-reduction initiatives and projects, as well as technology improvements and other efficiency gains.
As we enter 2022, cost inflation is continuing to be passed on by suppliers and the impact is coming from several directions:
Double-digit price increases are being levied by raw material and feedstock suppliers.
Energy prices have soared resulting in a significant rise in XSYS production costs, as well as increased costs from suppliers.
Transport and freight costs to customers have increased and continue to do so, which is also having an impact on the cost of supply for raw materials.
There are currently no signs that this inflation will start retracting soon. As a result, XSYS will be mitigating the impact by putting into effect a price increase of 6% across the nyloflex® product range on 1st February 2022.
“Our priority remains, as always, to offer a constant and reliable supply of products to our customers, irrespective of the current market conditions. We will naturally maintain full support with technical service and quality products during this challenging period to ensure that our customers can continue to service their customers,” said Friedrich von Rechteren, Global Commercial VP at XSYS. “In addition, XSYS will invest in more projects and high efficiency drives designed to counter the inflation where possible.”