Lowest tender price offered at 16.139 million Kuwaiti dinars with 10 companies in fray; complex to house state-of-the-art printing press, administrative offices, and a mosque; one million copies of the holy book to be printed in first phase
Kuwait’s Ministry of Public Works (MPW) has requested the Central Agency for Public Tenders (CAPT) to approve the tender for the construction, completion, and maintenance of a complex for printing the Holy Quran at 16.139 million Kuwaiti dinars, the lowest price offered.
In its meeting last week, the central authority decided to authorise the ministry to prepare a budget evaluation in accordance with Article (60) of Law No. (49) of 2016 regarding public tenders with the lowest price and necessary recommendations.
A total of 10 companies are in the fray for the contract. After completing the procedures recommended by the agency and obtaining the final approval, the ministry will refer the tender documents to the State Audit Bureau (SAB) for monitoring. Based on the financial and technical criteria, one among the 10 firms will be selected to implement the construction operation.
Official sources have said that the ministry has completed the design of the complex, considered to be one of the significant construction projects in the Subhan area. The 27,200 sq m complex will have a printing press, administrative offices, and a mosque. The complex will be equipped with the latest, state-of-the-art technologies for printing the Holy Quran and other books in Quranic sciences. Around a million copies of the holy book are expected to be printed in the first phase.