Epple Increases Prices and Warns About Difficult Times Ahead

The supply chain conditions for raw materials, packaging and shipping have become increasingly difficult for printing ink manufacturers such as Epple Druckfarben AG in the past few months. To continue as an economically robust business within this cost structure, Epple Druckfarben AG will be increasing the prices of its sheetfed offset printing inks, coatings and printing chemicals on 1st February 2022.
Stefan Schülling, Member of the Executive Board at Epple Druckfarben AG and responsible for Sales and Finance, on the strained market situation: “We, and the entire industry urgently need to find answers to the current economic challenges. The increased costs of raw materials, including pigments and plant-based oils, the shortages in the upstream petrochemical supply chains, and the high shipping and packaging costs are destabilising the entire printing value chain.” Epple Druckfarben AG will not compromise on the quality of its premium “Made in Germany” printing inks. Which is why the company views increasing the price of its portfolio of printing inks, coatings and printing chemicals as an inevitable step.
During the pandemic, Epple proved to be a highly stable, crisis-proof company that is capable of delivering. One reason for this is the targeted implementation of cost-reducing measures. These include internal process optimisations as well as searching for new procurement options. Stefan Schülling notes: “However, this isn’t enough for our high-quality portfolio and to continue to operate profitably. We hope for an economically strong printing industry, which is only possible if market prices are adequate. This applies to printing inks, paper and of course, also to the finished print products.”
Regional customer service representatives or sales partners from Epple will be advising its customers in the next few weeks on the future pricing and are available to answer questions at any time.