Saudi Xerox Offers Solutions to Advance Printers’ Digital Transformations

Rise in equipment and consumable prices add additional stress to the financial picture for many printers. Saudi Xerox solutions can help printers offset these additional costs and embrace digital transformation
Saudi Xerox is offering solutions that has the potential to open up lucrative new revenue streams for print businesses by improving the effectiveness of the end-to-end printing process, from print job creation through to continuous production and machine service optimizations.
Saudi Xerox in particular is suggesting a number of automation solutions that can help printers streamline their operations. Using smart algorithms, self-monitoring and data and analytics can help printers bring down the costs and become more efficient in what they do. But that is not all, production Print Workflow Software from Saudi Xerox helps printers automate everyday operations, optimize printing investments, and enable new revenue streams through creative products and services.

Printing companies have a very real opportunity to take advantage of Saudi Xerox software and equipment to transform their businesses. Tools such as artificial intelligence gives print shops a huge opportunity to employ online data, or create targeted print catalogs or newsletters based on which pages the customer views.
Artificial Intelligence: From Hype to Reality
In the midst of new challenges posed by Coronavirus printers also need to think outside the box and educate themselves. Take AI (Artificial Intelligence) for example. Meanwhile whenever the subject of AI is brought up people tend to get lost in the hype. Sensational claims about robots stealing jobs from humans, or fundamental societal shifts because artificial intelligence runs amok are, well, sensational. By all factual accounts, 2018 — according to PriceWaterhouseCoopers — is the year artificial intelligence (AI) comes “down to earth [and goes] to work.”

The definition of AI is generally accepted to mean the ability of a machine to imitate intelligent human behavior. Admittedly, this definition is an umbrella term for a broad spectrum of technology so the industry coined four types of AI:
- Reactive machines – The most basic functionality of AI where the machine can only react to current scenarios, with no ability to use experience to inform decisions.
- Limited memory – The machine can make observations about its environment to inform a decision i.e., the technology behind self-driving cars.
- Theory of mind – At this point, AI becomes more futuristic. To fall into this category, AI must have the ability to understand thoughts and emotions, and use this to react to the world around it.
- Self-aware AI – The most advanced type of AI and requires the machine to have its own consciousness, something that does not exist.

For AI to come down to earth, it needs to function at its most basic level and this boils down to automating processes – something the print industry has talked about for some time.
Digital transformation helps printers drive down the cost
During past weeks printing industry’s heavy weights announced price hike on their products and equipment. Apparently, the price increase which impacts consumables as well as equipment is mainly due to the rise in raw material such as copper, aluminum, plastics, additives, sheet metal and wood, and higher shipping and logistics costs. Another reason is the global chip shortage. Worldwide, prices for many industrial metals and electronics have risen rapidly. Even wood, which is needed for packaging for transport, is in short supply. On the other hand, many paper manufacturers also have already announced price increase by up to 11%.

Meanwhile, Manufacturers say the increase is moderate. Of course, moderate is a vague word and manufacturers and customers each have their own interpretation of the word. But it seems the increase is in region of double digit. What does all this mean for printers who are already facing shrinking orders and customers? There is no doubt with the printing industry already under pressure and many print service providers struggling to maintain profitable margins, these price increases are likely to add additional stress to the financial picture for many printers.
The increase in price in graphic arts industry seems to be cyclical and you cannot blame it entirely on pandemic. In 2005 there was also a price increase on consumables by major manufacturers and it seems that the underlying reasons were the same. On such a back drop a printer also needs to find ways to generate more revenues so he or she can absorb the price increase without having to pass it on to their shrinking pool of customers. One solution could be offering more added value printing, eye catching special effects, innovative finishing solutions, packaging, labels and other means of bringing in more revenues. Also increasing automation and managing the waste will lower the overall costs of any print operation.
The Role of Saudi Xerox in Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030

According to Mehmet Sezer, general manager of Saudi Xerox, the company has been offering the full array of Xerox products and services ranging from workplace assistants, workflow solutions and managed print services in the KSA market. “Digitization is the future of Saudi Arabia and we are actively working with our customers to help them transform their organizations with our solutions”, explains Sezer and adds:” Digital transformation encapsulates the essence of moving from a ‘physical’ or ‘analogue’ world to a ‘touchless’ or ‘digital’ one across the print industry. We provide offerings by transforming the current invoice challenges and support account payable solution and converting paper based documents to digital content, while at the same time offering personalized customer communication solutions for invoice, letters etc. across the Banking & Finance, Telecoms and Retail industries.”
Saudi Xerox is striving to play a significant role in KSA’s Vision 2030., a roadmap drawn up by His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, to harness the Saudi Arabia’s potential to achieve its ambitions.
Sezer says:’” Saudi Arabia is fast adopting accelerators of innovation like Artificial Intelligence, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data analytics. The government and other sectors have laid out action plans for establishing the necessary infrastructure outlined by Vision 2030, clearly setting goals and recalibrating activities to fully optimize and leverage the kingdom’s strengths in order to deliver digitalized services.”
The fact is that printing industry is changing and pandemic accelerated this trend. Printers also should be able to adapt to this new high-tech, multichannel world where print is part of a wider communication industry. Saudi Xerox solutions offer best solutions to printers to achieve this.
About Saudi Xerox
Saudi Xerox is the representation of Xerox in Saudi Arabia. It was established in 1986, with business lines that include providing solutions to improve business processes, automation and printing technology through an innovative vision of maximizing productivity and efficiency to create a better work environment. Saudi Xerox offers the full array of Xerox products and services ranging from workplace assistants, workflow solutions and managed print services in the KSA market. We address global and local market challenges consistently together in alignment with Xerox global standards.
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