Sun Chemical has further enhanced its online troubleshooting guide (http://inktsa.sunchemical.com) by adding potential solutions to common pressroom challenges in coldset and metal package printing processes.
Designed to help customers resolve common technical defects that can arise during a press run, the troubleshooting guide already offered solutions to help customers solve any challenge they may be facing with their flexographic, sheetfed, paper packaging, gravure, heatset and/or energy curable printing issues.
After choosing the printing process, the mobile-friendly website uses both photos and defect terms (dot gain, pinholes, feathering, comets, etc.) to help the press worker, while in the pressroom, identify which technical problem they are facing. They can either read the solution provided by Sun Chemical to resolve their particular challenge using their smartphone or can use a print function tool for a clean review of the problems/solutions on paper—whatever option is most convenient for them.
Sun Chemical’s troubleshooting website has translations in Italian, Spanish and Turkish and can be accessed easily from Sun Chemical’s Ink + Pressroom section of its website.
The troubleshooting website’s updated navigation uses a mobile-friendly drop-down menu that makes it easier to access all troubleshooting issues based on printing process and challenge. It also offers a clean and colorful look that mirrors the visual appearance of Sun Chemical’s recently updated website.
“Our customers need to keep their pressrooms running smoothly and limit downtime, and this online and mobile-friendly solution can help them resolve common problems they see on press,” said Heather Buchholz, Manager of Global Marketing Inks and Global Communications, Sun Chemical. “We’re excited to provide our customers with a useful tool that helps them troubleshoot issues for most printing processes, now including metal packaging and coldset printing.”