Radix’s OnPrintShop and Ultimate Impostrip Optimize Online Orders for PSPs Worldwide

Ultimate TechnoGraphics Inc. and Radix – OnPrintShop partners will provide an optimized online business outlet for Print Service Providers and In-plant printers worldwide. From managing and offering products online and capturing new business through e-commerce, to seamlessly processing multiple orders daily and preparing them for print and finishing, Ultimate Impostrip and OnPrintShop deliver true system connectivity and workflow optimization to achieve results.
As SME Print Service Providers often worry about where to invest and when and choosing the right partner vendors is key. Customers must seek for vendors who have a wide range of solutions and with whom they can start small, and build-up their workflow as their online business increases. Customers are looking for vendors that have fully integrated their respective solutions guarantying them the integrity and automation they are looking for.
Radix’s OnPrintShop is a complete integrated order management solution offering most easy to use standard web-to-print solution which helps Print Service Providers to simplify and automate order/reordering for their Retail, Corporate & Reseller Clients. It comes with already tools that enable the PSPs to highlight their key products, services, and promotional offers to engage customers and generate new & repeat sales, increase productivity & expand their print business.
“Nowadays, many PSPs are striving to improve productivity & operational efficiency and to make this stress-free this partnership is a one step ahead, where clients will have to access the best in Print Order Management and Imposition software together. Very excited about the partnership, as it will help both the companies to help their customers grow.” Says Naresh Bordia, VP, Business Development.
Ultimate Impostrip® is designed with productivity in mind and optimizes every aspect of a prepress imposition workflow with tools that are easy-to-use, yet extremely versatile. Perfect for very short turn-around delivery on marketing campaigns, transactional and short-run of books, Ultimate Impostrip® seamlessly connect to OnPrintShop to offer easy end-to-end automation capability.
“Trusted now by several customers worldwide, this integration is key to the online print ordering business model where manually setting up a job for print is not an option, says Ray Duval, Director of Solution Sales at Ultimate TechnoGraphics. This business is about delivering quality product in a short turnaround time and selecting reliable software partners is key.”
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