Print4All 2025 On Road to Set New Industry Benchmark

With less than 16 months to go, the countdown has begun for Print4All, where the world of printing and converting will gather once again at Fiera Milano from 27-30 May, 2025.
Organised by Fiera Milano and promoted by ARGI and ACIMGA – the two leading Italian associations in the printing and converting sectors – Print4All reconfirms its identity as an integrated platform for print and converting professionals. The 2025 edition will focus on the opportunities offered by the increasing convergence between printing technologies and target markets to lend a voice to all components of integrated solutions capable of meeting any customer requirements. The exhibition will offer the best of printing, converting, and finishing innovations for all industry areas, from graphics to sales, from packaging to industrial.
Senior Company Heads Look Towards a Benchmark Event
A number of companies have already included the event in their activity planning, with companies and senior figures explaining the reasons why they chose to use the event to do business.
ACE Group CEO Daniele Barbui says, “For us at ACE, exhibiting at Print4all is the best way to showcase our solutions for the printing and converting sector and exploit the possibility of creating new business opportunities.”
Paolo Redaelli, owner of New Aerodinamica, explains as to why his company is taking part in the next Print4All 2025: “Simple! Because we believe this exhibition is the right opportunity for us to make new contacts and strengthen the relationships we already have. This conviction has grown over the years and has led us to take an active part in this event, an essential showcase for presenting the latest developments in components and machines for industrial requirements to customers, suppliers, and all those interested in our world. And if you are going to be there, we assure you that there are many new things in the pipeline – and they won’t disappoint!”
Marco Calcagni, Sales Director at OMET – manufacturers of multi-process printing presses and tissue converting machinery – speaks about the significance of Print4All, and why OMET will be exhibiting at the next edition in 2025: “OMET has always given Print4All priority over other international exhibitions in the sector because it firmly believes in the importance of this exhibition, which brings together all levels of the printing industry’s supply chain and is attracting growing interest beyond national and European borders.”
SW Special Work Managing Director Roberto Zanasi elaborates the reasons behind their participation in Print4All: “SW Special Work is a company that has been working in the world of inks and paints for packaging and labels for 30 years. We take part in the Print4All exhibition to present our products and services, to establish new relationships, and to look for new collaborations, both from a sales point of view and from a marketing point of view, in a national and international context. In addition to our products, we want to build awareness of the technical support and attention we give to our customers, which we believe is our greatest strength.”
Adding to the list of industry leaders keen on participating at the 2025 event is TRESU Group Managing Director Gianni Amendola: “It may seem strange to talk about trade exhibitions in the digital age, it’s a concept that makes us think of something outdated, distant, like those organised in the market squares of the Roman Empire or at the Paris Universal Exhibition of 1900… For us, however, they are fundamental, even in modern marketing, if they are carried out with certain criteria: they build relationships, create trust and continuity, and create new opportunities. At an exhibition, a name is no longer just a name, it becomes a face, an anecdote, and also a negotiation; in short, for TRESU, an exhibition is still an important event even in 2025!”
Project Keywords
There are three keywords for the 2025 edition, viz. Convergence, Experience, and Networking.
Print4All offers endless opportunities for convergence to view new machines, learn new techniques, and discover ways in which various printing areas and applications intersect to create new solutions and business opportunities.
The exhibition gives visitors ample opportunities to experience the thematic areas for all available applications, training on relevant topics, such as automation, colour management, hybrid printing technology, and new communication tools among others, and discuss the major challenges of the industry, especially in terms of solutions for efficient and sustainable production processes and market supply.
Finally, Print4All is a networking hub with an opportunity not only for business, but also for meeting and comparing with synergistic sectors, which is guaranteed both by the event’s structured format dedicated to all supply chain stakeholders – manufacturers, printers, communication agencies/designers, and brands – at once.
Rebranding with a New Image
To narrate and share the spirit that will characterize the next edition, Print4All has chosen to present itself using a new image that will be used on all its communication channels – from website to below-the-line advertising.
An allegory of the printing world and its evolution over the centuries, the new image containing three colour palettes and three icons that identify three distinct but co-occurring dimensions at Print4All – machines, media, and innovation – exhibits contemporary and multilevel dynamism, coming together to create a unique image with a strong chromatic and figurative impact.
The image leaves room for interpretation while also providing clarity. “NOT YOUR ORDINARY PRINTING AF[FAIR] is the message, a nod to international players, with a play on words highlighted by parentheses reminding us that the fair (FAIR) is an inimitable business event (AFFAIR). It is also a reflection of Print4All opening the doors to endless possibilities.
The Innovation Alliance 2025
Print4All will continue its participation in the Innovation Alliance from 27-30 May, 2025, where four events come together to talk about the best instrumental mechanics and discuss the great challenges facing professionals across the entire supply chain. Print4All will take place alongside IPACK-IMA, Green Plast, and INTRALOGISTICA ITALIA, collectively going from the most sustainable solutions for the production and management of plastic materials to packaging and processing, from graphic customization of the product to handling and storage of goods.
For relevant stakeholders, Print4All can be described as a three-in-one exhibition that offers a business opportunity where international supply and demand meet, a knowledge reference point where you can find the answers to any market and technology-related questions, and a system event serving the relevant community.
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