Konica Minolta Launches AccurioPress 6272P Press

Konica Minolta has today unveiled the AccurioPress 6272P press to help customers rethink monochrome print possibilities. Commercial printers, print-for-pay services and central in-house printing facilities are all major target markets for the fully configured digital production press. Sales start this month.
Dual-engine technology where over 15,000 images an hour can be printed in one integrated production process is at the heart of Konica Minolta’s newly launched machine. The tandem engine AccurioPress 6272P is the further development of the well-established AccurioPress 613P, where two engines are connected via the tandem relay unit TD-502 to double the benefits and sustain in today’s high volume monochrome printing environment.
The unique combination provides twice the speed and double the productivity, as well as undisturbed printing without bottlenecks or shutdowns. Independent front-to-back alignment and a distortion adjustment function ensure accurate duplex registration. The optional Intelligent Quality Care Unit IQ-501 maintains consistent and stable quality without complexity. The standard paper cooling system enables all output to be processed immediately offline after printing.
The newly developed pass-through mode secures the production in the rare case of a machine error. Another benefit is that, with the TD-502, customers can upgrade their existing AccurioPress 6136P and enhance productivity doubling it to that of the AccurioPress 6272P.
Other features for the Konica Minolta AccurioPress 6272P include:
– Vacuum paper feeding for smooth paper processing throughout the production process. For offset preprinted and coated stock, as well as under conditions of high humidity, an optional heating unit can be added as a further enhancement.
The Screen-Enhancing Activity Digital (S.E.A.D) for advanced colour processing.-
– Simitri HD toner to ensure highest image quality as well as razor-sharp reproduction of text and line drawings.
Paper weights of between 40 and 350 grammes in sizes up to 324x483mm.-
– A stacking unit and a wide variety of finishing options with an interface to 3rd parties (e.g. Plockmatic and GBC)
– Konica Minolta’s own controller technology, as well as powerful software tools such as AccurioPro offering advanced functionality and full connectivity from input to output.
“Many years of knowledge and global expertise are combined in the TD-502 tandem relay unit to ensure that this system fulfils customer demands in high-volume printing environments. The Konica Minolta AccurioPress 6272P will provide another key pillar in our growing production press portfolio for our customers to maximise and ignite the print opportunities that are everywhere.”
Says Ines Wenneman, Product Manager, Professional Printing Group, Konica Minolta Business Solutions Europe
Wennemann added: “This launch is also another example of how we are supporting the digital transformation of our clients’ companies by sector and industry, through advanced automation, fewer human
touchpoints and higher productivity with tangible effects leading to increased, high-quality output with less waste.”