Representative of the “Injaz” bloc for the packaging, paper, cardboard, and office supplies sector in Jordan, Taher Al-Khatib, said that since packaging is one of the sectors to which all industries are linked, its development will automatically lead to the betterment of related industries.
Al-Khatib, an experienced hand in the industry, said that he will seek to empower the packaging sector, enhance its exports, and link design departments in universities with the industry to secure its needs.
Al-Khatib confirmed that he joined the bloc, which is running for elections in the Jordan and Amman Chambers of Industry, to work towards restoring the brilliance of the packaging sector to occupy the place it deserves in the national economy.
He also spoke about his willingness to work to enhance the capabilities of the National Packaging Center JoPack and encourage industrialists to make optimal use of its services and benefit from international grants in concluding agreements with international design and packaging centres to develop the capabilities of the industry in this field.
He also called on industrialists to rally around the “Injaz” bloc and select its candidates who have long-standing industrial competencies and experience and a long history in public work and serving the industrial sector, pointing out that the bloc has a clear and specific programme that is applicable and that it will continue through the chambers’ councils to build on the previous achievements.
Al-Khatib said that the importance of the sector lies in the fact that the packaging industry plays a key role in all industries without exception, and represents the link between the producer and the consumer. The packaging sector is one of the complementary sectors to all other industries, but it is an integral part of certain industries including food, pharmaceuticals, and chemicals.
Al-Khatib stressed that the packaging sector needs real representation to be able to grow, attract investments, create job opportunities, and effectively contribute to the national economy. He also indicated that the sector’s representatives should work hard to mitigate the challenges facing the sector, especially with regard to sudden governmental decisions, and should hold prior consultations before meeting government committees where the sector should be informed of the meeting’s outcomes.
He also emphasized on the importance of striving to alleviate all financial burdens resulting from production, for example, but not limited to energy prices, fees and taxes on the local product, and to provide real programmes to support the industry and specialized training programmes, including on-the-job training, to optimize employee performance in the sector.
The sector includes printing and packaging products, paper, cardboard, and office supplies, and sub-sectors including pulp and paper; paper products other than paper; printing, stationery, and packaging services; packaging film production and engineering designs, and services; packaging products of all kinds; and any other similar industries within this sector.
The “Injaz” bloc is headed by Fathi Al-Jaghbir, president of Jordan Chamber of Industry (JCI) and Amman Chamber of Industry (ACI).