PPPExpo Africa to be Held in 2021

PPPExpo Africa, a dedicated show for plastics printing and packaging will be held from 10 to 12 June in Sarit Expo Center at the heart of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. Exhibitors from over 30 countries participating at Kenya’s Biggest Int’l. Trade Exhibition
PPPEXPO Africa is the only dedicated industry specific international trade show for Plastics, Printing & Packaging Industry in the entire East African region that promises to be an excellent platform to forge business alliances, showcase technological and interact directly with the African traders from the East, Central & South African region.
Africa is one of the fastest growing markets in the world and PPPEXPO Africa will attract thousands of buyers and decision makers from all levels and sectors of Plastics, Printing & Packaging Industry and aims to promote a direct business link between buyers and sellers. Kenya, the gateway to the East African Market is fast emerging as a distribution & supply hub to the entire plastics, printing & packaging industry in the East African region.
Besides its own market of about 33 million customers, Kenya is the only distributor of goods to other East African countries such as Tanzania, Uganda, Ethiopia, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa and several others situated on the east coast of Africa, estimated to be around 380 million customers. Having the largest sea port in Mombasa, the country is the largest source of incoming products by sea, to the East African region, from the Middle East, the Indian Sub-continent, Europe & Far East.