Newspapers Increase Prices
Newspapers prices in Algeria are among the cheapest in the world, far cheaper than neighboring Morocco and Tunisia. The price of “Alkhabar”, the largest Arabic newspaper in the country is only ten Algerian Dinars (USD 0.12 $).
While newspapers around the globe are cutting down on single copy price and concentrating more on the digital version financial crisis has forced Algerian newspapers to increase their prices.
“Alwatan”, “Le Quotidien d’Oran” and “Liberte” are among French language newspapers that have already opted for the new pricing scheme.
Alkhabar newspaper also raised its single copy price from ten to fifteen Algerian Dinars (USD 0.19$) since February. The General Manager of Alkhabar newspaper, Shareef Rizki, says the decision to raise the price helps the institution to achieve financial stability and profit, since the current price could only cover printing and distribution costs.