Second Generation of Agfa’s Adamas Chem-Free Printing Plates Boasts Increased Eco Credits

The new generation of Agfa Adamas Chem-free plates comes with a number of ecological improvements, as well as increased performance in UV printing, claims Agfa.
Printing with harsh UV inks or opaque white ink can be quite exacting, but the latest version of Adamas achieves stable printing results and run lengths up to 75,000 when printing with UV inks – including conventional UV as well asH‑UV/LED-UV inks. With oxidative inks, run lengths amount to 350,000 copies.
According to Agfa The combination of the Adamas plate and clean-out unitcompletely eliminates the need for rinse water,and replaces chemicals with a pH neutral gumming solution. In the new version, the replenishment rate of the latter has been further reduced. All of this results in a waste decrease by up to 75% compared to similar products, less disposal costs and a safer work environment.
The second generation of the plate extends bath life to 8,000 m² of printing plates, which means that a printer with an annual plate consumption around 30,000 m² will only need to change the bath four times per year.
The range of Adamas clean-out units, which is based on Agfa’s patented cascade system, is extended with the new Adamas COU150, which can handle plates up to 1480 mm wide.
“Adamas is truly unique in its class because it combines outstanding press performance with a minimal ecological footprint. It is the most durable chem-free plate system available on the market,” says Iris Bogunovic, Product Manager Plate & CTP Systems. “The latest generation offers printers even more value for their business.”