Lecta’s 2022 Calendar is Out

For 2022, Lecta reinitiated the edition of its wall and desk calendar formats. This year the calendar brings a unique perspective on technology and caring for our planet.
12 satellite photographs from different places around the world taken from the United States Geological Survey Agency (USGS) that keeps a constant eye on the earth’s surface to monitor climate change and prevent natural disasters. The result is a collection of uniquely artistic topography. The unusual colors are the result of infrared and UV filters that are applied to the photographs to enhance contrast and better distinguish between the different elements: the presence and depth of bodies of water, vegetation, rocks, sand, snow and wind currents.
The calendar celebrates the use of technology for a cause common to all of us: helping to protect our planet, a goal that we as individuals and Lecta as a company committed to good environmental practices, share.
For the 2022 calendar, Lecta has chosen coated silk and recycled papers from its extensive, premium portfolio designed for the publishing sector.
For more information, visit www.lecta.com