Future Factory 2021 Goes Live

The event will take place on the September 15 and 16
When current events are challenging, Acimga still proves ready to respond and evolve. After the Decree of April 22, allowing live conferences and events starting from July 1st, the association had decided to move its event originally scheduled for June 10 – 11. Today Acimga reveals the official Future Factory dates: the event will be held on September 15 and 16 live for The Theatre in Milan, as a physical networking and meeting event combined with the possibility to follow the event in streaming.
Not only that. In line with the communication shift we have been witnessing and that is at the core of the Future Factory concept, postponing the 2021 edition to September aims at expanding the audience, shifting the target from the supply chain, historical reference of the event, to a much wider community. With more and more consumers asking industries and businesses to be socially and environmentally accountable, it
becomes essential to develop a communication based on the creation of concrete and tangible actions, starting with shared core values.
Actions that must necessarily speak to all the actors in the communication chain, and that, for Acimga, translate into involving the marketing and communication world both at national and at European and global level. Thanks to the partners and sponsors of the event, Future Factory 2021 also becomes the opportunity to present a wide-ranging vision, able to align communication and strategies, shifting the main attention from the supply chain to the whole community that gravitates around it.
The rich program presented during the April 14th preview remains unchanged. Hosted by Matteo Bordone, Future Factory will see Alec Ross, Distinguished Visiting Professor at Bologna Business School and senior adviser on innovation to the Secretary of State during the Obama administration, analyse the changing dynamics in the socio-economic context; Ivana Pais, Associate Professor in Economic Sociology at Università
Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, together with David Stark, Arthur Lehman Professor of Sociology at Columbia University, going deep into the economic platform models; Paola Mariani, Associate Professor of International Law at Università Bocconi in Milan, looking at economic issues in close relation to international law; Bertrand Badré, CEO and founder of Blue like an Orange Sustainable Capital, reflecting on the future of the business organization. Finally, other contributions will provide new views on the industry, looking at future guidelines for the coming years.
“Once again Future Factory proves to be resilient and with a great vision of the future”, says Andrea Briganti General Manager of Acimga. The 2020 edition of Print4All Conference – Future Factory – Printing the future, now. Streaming. marked a turning point in the panorama of supply chain events and was rewarded with a great success of audience, reaching almost 1400 participants, a third of which international. The current situation doesn’t find us unprepared and even in 2021 the event reinvents itself and evolves, with the goal of creating content and aggregating values in view of Print4All, our trade fair of 3-6 May 2022.”
Future Factory is organized by Acimga (Italian Manufacturers Association of Machinery for the Graphic, Converting and Paper Industries) with the support of ITA – Italian Trade Agency the Governmental agency that supports the business development of Italian companies abroad and promotes the attraction of foreign investment in Italy. Future Factory is a new dialogue opportunity for the whole sector and is the main event in the roadmap towards the Print4All fair, scheduled on 3-6 May 2022.
Acimga is the association inside Confindustria representing all printing, packaging, and converting technologies, uniting 82 companies for an industrial sector worth about 3 billion in turnover, 60% of which from exports. Italy is in the top 3 manufacturers for these machines globally (along with Germany and China) with its strengths being mechanical technologies, combined with the latest electronic innovations.
For further information;
Gwyn Garrett
[email protected]
375 5082158