Victory Printing Press Goes CTP

Winston Churchill, The famous British politician once said “The only statistics you can trust are those you falsified yourself”. In another words you can never trust statistics. Now with all the hype surrounding digital printing and all the facts and figures that is published in the media we are let to believe that offset printing is suffering a gradual death. Nothing far from the truth.

Take Victory Printing Press in Sharjah for example. The company recently invested in an all-new A75 Heidelberg Suprasetter Thermal CtP. This is the first time the company actually feels the need to invest in platesetter technology.

There are many print houses in northern Emirates that are still making money from their old imagesetters.  “The competition is tough but there is business for everybody”, says Sinoj George, company’s managing partner. He adds,” we are still using films and before buying the platesetter we used to outsource our plate imaging operation. Now with the new Suprasetter we are producing 77 to 100 plates per day.” 

While we all busy debating the inevitable transition from conventional printing to online communication there are many print houses in the region that are enjoying a profitable offset printing business. Victory is a good example of a small printing company who knows its market and takes the most out of the conventional technology. The company is equipped with 4, 2 and 1 colour GTO 52 and 2 colour SORM Z presses plus two Polar cutting machines. Victory Printing Press was established in 2007 and has 43 people in its pay roll.

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