Enjoying over a quarter-century experience, Tehran International Book Fair (TIBF) has become a cultural landmark which attracts a healthy audience every year.
Now in its 28th year, it is encouraging that Tehran International Book Fair (TIBF) – held May 6-16 – still attracts a healthy audience. Last year, the fair attracted 500,000 visitors a day, in over 10 days, and as the largest book fair in the Middle East, TIBF draws more than five million visitors every year; a number 5 times more than the visitors to Paris Book Fair.
Looking all the way back at 1987 when the first edition of TIBF was launched with some 400 publishers from 32 participating countries presenting some 32,000 titles, and then considering this year’s edition where around 2,500 domestic and 600 foreign publishers participated in the landmark event one can easily see how this landmark cultural event is acclaimed worldwide as a credible international book fair. The foreign publishers substantially offer their materials in English or Arabic however titles in French, German, Chinese, Korean or Japanese were also available. The organizers said that there was a 20 percent increase in the title of books on display in this year’s event.
For more go to http://en.mehrnews.com/news/107235/Tehran-Intl-Book-Fair-2015-A-review