Tarabichi Printing And Packaging Faces Heavy Shelling

According to Syrian media agencies, Tarabichi Printing and Packaging Company, one of the largest printing presses in Syria underwent huge destruction after a reported shelling activity in that area. The shelling led to an outbreak of fire that destroyed the entire facility of the company. Major web sites and social networking sites broadcasted the incident. Experts estimate that the company, which is located in Damascus, may have suffered millions of dollars in the fire.

Eye witnesses report state that the fire broke out in the company premises after the heavy bombings made by warplanes in the Aqraba area, near airport road. Witness report further states that nobody was hurt during the process though losses exceeding millions might set back the functioning of the press. It is estimated that the press would need at least two months to restore its activities.

Tarabichi is considered to be one of the largest printing companies in the Middle East. Founded in 1933, the company employs about 300 technicians and is situated on an area of 14,000 square meters. The company has shown its presence in various international and regional exhibitions and events. The company holds about 26% of the packaging market in Syria, and it’s assumed that the recent event would adversely affect the packaging sector in the country.

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