Strike Ends At Public Printing Plants

Workers of the public printing plants in Algeria agreed to put an end to their 3 day strike following a meeting with Secretary-General of the Ministry of Communication.

The ministry promised to study the workers’ demands and offer a response. The workers had demanded pay rise as well as the resignation of company’s General Manager, Mohammed Issaoan.

Prior to the strike Abdelghani Ait Yahya, General Manager of workers union said that strike was the last resort for majority of the workers who felt their rights are being neglected.
Yahya also rejects Ministry of Communication’s recent decision to exclude workers from the pay rise scheme.

He says the decision was made without any consultation with workers and the body that represents them.

For his part, Mohammed Issaoan, denounced the strike calling it illegal. He also said the inspectors from department of labour also confirmed that the strike did not follow the legal procedures.

Issaoan who believes 50% pay rise is beyond the company’s financial capacity also warned that the administration would raise a lawsuit against the striking workers. Algeria Printing Company recently invested in new printing equipment and according to Issaoan the company’s financial commitment to equipment suppliers does not leave any room for salary hike.

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