Stepping Out OF The Box

Packaging is considered any printer’s ‘survival kit these days. It is seen more and more as the way out in the midst of shrinking demand for typical commercial printing jobs. The companies that ventured into packaging more than a decade ago are now reaping the benefits of their investment and sound decision making.

There are many elements that are working in favour of package printers in our region. Other than growth in population, urbanization and modernization as well as awareness about food safety people are becoming more educated and more sensitive when it comes to health of their family. Governments are also introducing more stringent regulation and supervision on food production and supply chain. On the other hand modern technology is helping package printers across the world to streamline their operation, minimize waste and improve their bottom line.

In following pages we have introduced a number of packaging printing companies in our region including Saudi Arabia and Egypt using state-of-the-art technology and innovative techniques to produce quality packaging.

First Company for Industrial Development in Cairo has been able to become a fully integrated packaging operation in a relatively short span of time. Another successful packaging printing house in Cairo is H-Pack. The company’s transition from an old and outdated printing operation to a modern packaging production centre is a perfect case study on how to revitalize a business gone awry. Finally Al Hayat House for Printing and Packaging Company in Saudi Arabia is a family run business who has successfully diversified into packaging to capitalize on the opportunities this industry provides to printers.

All these companies have one thing in common. They are using modern offset presses to produce high quality folding cartons or corrugated packaging. The quality of offset printing for packaging is a major impetus for printers to invest in this technology.a

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