Six email marketing tips for 2016

As the world enters 2016 marketers can be excited about trends that will help them enhance their email marketing and customer engagement.

Here are 6 email marketing tips marketers should employ in 2016:

1. Get smart about mobile

Over 50% of all email is read on a mobile device. Adopt templates that are no wider than 500 pixels, this will help eliminate the need for recipients to have to scroll right to read all of your content. Enlarge the font to at least 14 pixels so it can be read on small screens. Put your call to action near the top of your email to ensure it is seen.

2. Grow your list            

Include a website popup designed to engage the customer by allowing them to input their email address in exchange for a promotion, typically a percentage off their next purchase. Collecting their email in one step instead of requiring them to click multiple times to fill out a form. This has been known to expand email lists 5 to 10 times faster than other email signup forms because it is a clear call to action that offers an immediate benefit to the user.

3. Take personalization to the next level

Consumers expect businesses to understand who they are, anticipate their needs, and allow them to control how frequently they receive communicates. Smart marketers should utilize their email offers success history and analyze the results focusing on demographics. This will allow them to determine which offers are most successful with certain demographics. Pairing that knowledge with accumulated customer purchase history allows marketers to promote relevant products or services with appealing offers increasing their chances of conversion. 

4. Track it even more

Take advantage of the robust advances in analytics programs that allow marketers to see what website traffic can be attributed to specific email marketing campaigns. Email campaigns no longer have to be tracked and evaluated exclusively in the campaign platform. This gives marketers a broader view of the overall impact of their campaigns including better conversion tracking.

5. Let customers set the pace

Directing email recipients who click unsubscribe to a manage subscription page where they have the option to set the number of times they receive email communications. 41% of consumers would not unsubscribe from a company’s email list if they were given the option to receive emails less frequently according to a recent study.

6. Share your social responsibility

Share your socially responsible efforts with your customers. Whether you are supporting a local food bank, raising money for a good cause or trying to save the planet. Almost 40% of consumers are more likely to make a purchase from a company that includes their social responsibility and charitable efforts in their marketing emails.

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