More 3D Printing For The Middle East

Paradigm 3D has opened the first 3D printing operation in the Middle East, centrally located in Dubai to serve the needs of the region for fast 3D printed parts.

It’s no secret, the company says, that the key problem facing industrial companies and new start-ups with an innovative idea is how to bring that idea to life without spending extraordinary amounts in the prototyping or proof of concept phase.

3D printing/additive manufacturing technologies have been assisting companies to minimise the costs of prototyping their ideas for nearly a decade now, but the cost of bringing a system in-house with trained operators can still be prohibitive, leaving great ideas on the shelf simply because they fail at this development stage.

With the largest total working volume in the Middle East, and the ability to print in industrial grade thermoplastics, Paradigm 3D can give the user access to experts and technology that was previously reserved only for larger firms.

Users can simply visit the Paradigm 3D website, upload a 3D file and receive an instant quote for their part or prototype, or opt to produce their final product by taking advantage of the production capabilities the Paradigm 3D unit offers.

Using the core FDM (fused deposition modelLing) technology to make limited production (short runs or low volumes depending on the geometry) can greatly reduce the time to market for a product because of the complete lack of tooling required.

There’s also more flexibility to change designs mid-production, because changes are only needed to the digital file, avoiding any need for retooling, which can cut months off the traditional product development process. By producing using FDM, designers are also no longer limited to producing parts to suit their manufacturing capabilities – they can produce a design exactly the way it was intended, rather than the way it had to be produced previously.

A member of the Global Direct Digital Manufacturing Network, Paradigm 3D is part of a world-wide alliance of direct digital factories that are using 3D printers to provide cost-effective, functional prototypes, manufacturing tools and durable end-use parts, directly from 3D CAD design data.

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