Komori Japan Hosts a Delegation of Turkish Top Printers

On the occasion of it’s 100 anniversary Komori Japan hosted a delegation of Turkish leading printers. During their visit Komori shared insights on the trends and challenges in the printing industry for both commercial and packaging printers, and presented Komori’s latest solutions and technologies that help printers to address challenges of the digital age by enhancing their productivity, quality and automation.

Komori’s flagship Lithrone GX40 advance offset press

Komori’s flagship model, the Lithrone GX40 advance was the highlight of the presentation. During the live demo, the press performed with the highest level of automation, producing commercial print jobs, while changing to packaging production with an impressive super short make-ready time. The overall level of print quality delivered by the machine left a powerful impression on the audience.

Part of the visit, included a full- scale factory tour on the 60.000 sqm production site. The Komori Tsukuba factory showcases a high level of production organization and the outstanding quality control process for all the manufactured presses. Furthermore, Komori also organized several visits to printing companies in Japan, displaying Komori printing presses and operating at world class performance and quality in real production environment.

The Komori Tsukuba factory

Celebrating 100 years of innovation

Komori Corporation recently announced the establishment of a new group purpose in 2023, the year of its 100th anniversary: Delivering Kando “beyond expectations” by contributing to society with print technology.

“The present age is called the age of VUCA (volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity). We have entered an ambiguous socio-economic environment where changes are drastic and predicting the future is difficult. We must survive in these difficult times. As Komori approaches the 100th anniversary of their founding, they believe that they need a compass for their continued sound development,” says President and CEO Satoshi Mochida.

As part of the 100th year anniversary Komori created a special logo with meaning. The entire design is divided into 10 sections in a variety of colours to show the possibilities of printing and the progress of each decade. The rising curve of the mark is dynamic and represents future development.

Delivering Kando “beyond expectations” by contributing to society with print technology.

The printing technology that Komori has cultivated for 100 years expands the possibilities of paper and electronic media, enhances the economic efficiency and reliability of society’s activities, and helps reduce the environmental impact. By pursuing and commercializing printing technology, Komori will respond quickly to customer expectations, support society, and create Kando with value that is a step beyond expectations. Komori will share this purpose with its customers, business partners, employees and other stakeholders around the world, and contribute to the sustainable growth of the Komori Group and the solution of environmental and social issues.

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