Callprint Adds 3D Printing To Its Stable

Dubai is on the cusp of a period of significant economic growth and the demand for specialist business services, particularly in the burgeoning real estate sector is growing rapidly. Callprint Dubai, the Emirates arm of the UK group Callprint has been extremely active in responding to the fast changing economic scene by investing in one of the region’s largest and most sophisticated 3D printing facility.

Richard Sanders Callprint Dubai’s corporate sales manager says: This is any area where we have developed significant expertise. We have been active in this field for more than 9 years and two years ago we saw the potential in Dubai for the variety of services we offer.”

3D printing is just one of these services on offer, but one that is attracting considerable interest as Sanders explains: “At Callprint Dubai we can print in 3D architectural models for single buildings right through to vast cityscapes. We are not hampered by size or the type of materials the models can be made from and this means we are an ideal fit for other business sectors as well such as engineering, both civil and mechanical.”

Callprint Dubai initially saw in Dubai the potential for its managed print services and the way these could be linked into the network of its 19 individual locations spread around the world. The corporate strategy of Callprint is based on taking a flexible approach to a clients’ needs whether it is business cards or extensive sales catalogues.

One of the major strengths of Callprint Dubai’s is the way it continuously invests in new technologies and software to ensure it can offer top of the range services. Sanders puts it this way: “Our electronic distribution system enables us to print closest to where delivery is required, not only getting your work from you to your client more quickly, but helping the environment by reducing our emissions.”

The success being enjoyed in Dubai is proving to be a spur to plan for further branches across the Emirates. Callprint to boost its global links and network opportunities, is a member of ReproMAX, a privately held closed corporation based in Lafayette, California. ReproMAX was founded in response to the increasing demand for providing a network of companies in separate geographic areas, each dedicated to marketing on a multinational basis and to benefit from cooperative purchasing.

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