Bookings for Roto4all-Rotogravure Webinar is Open

The October 23rd event on Rotogravure will take place in Florence both with a live audience and in streaming

The journey to Roto4All on October 23rd in Florence begins with important news. The event on rotogravure will take place with a live audience, in total safety and in compliance with all anti-Covid protocols; given the reduced seating numbers and with the big success achieved by the launching webinar of April 28 (with 560 attendees, a third of which international), the Italian Rotogravure Group by Acimga decided to stream Roto4All globally, with simultaneous translation in English for the international audiences.

What to expect from Roto4All

Matteo Bordone, journalist, and radio presenter of Radio2, will be hosting a day dense in content. The coordinator of Italian Rotogravure Group by Acimga Gianmatteo Maggioni will kick off the event by illustrating roles and activities of the Group. Professor Enzo Baglieri, from SDA Bocconi School of Management, will take us deep in the economic aspects of this printing technology with an analysis of investment opportunities and trends in rotogravure.

Project manager Julian Rotter will take stock of the European authorisation for hexavalent chromium. A very popular theme in the gravure world, with a strong debate taking place around the issue, to which Italy is bringing its contribution through the Rotogravure Group by Acimga. There will be a lot of space for roundtable discussions too, with testimonies and direct experiences from printers and brand owners who have chosen the rotogravure as their main technology. Elisabetta Bottazzoli, Sustainability and Circular Economy Manager, will close off the day with a speech on sustainability, considering both an environmental approach together with a corporate vision.

“Organizing a rotogravure event is essential to show the high level of competence and the great Italian knowhow in such technology. Italy is one of the world’s leading gravure manufacturers – explains Acimga’s General Manager Andrea Briganti -. It took us a great organizational effort to give Italian Rotogravure the event it actually deserves, virtually opening the conference day in Florence to an international audience, with the possibility to follow the event in live streaming, with simultaneous translation in English. Roto4All is an addition to training webinars, publications, and technical tables on national and international regulations. A kind of work that as a trade association we are doing more and more for all printing, packaging and converting technologies”.

To register to the streaming event

For further information,2836

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