AI and Robot Journalism Conquer the Content Market

Numerous suppliers will show new Artificial Intelligence (AI)-based solutions for media makers and content managers at the DCX Digital Content Expo from 10 to 12 October in Berlin. From robot journalism and data management, up to news personalisation – companies such as Element AI, Klangoo, Norkon Computing Systems, Poool, textOmatic, Updatemi or Utopia Analytics are setting out to conquer the news industry.

Artificial Intelligence stands in most cases for software tools and algorithms that try to copy human intelligence. In the area of journalism, these developments have now reached news production and content management. Visitors at the DCX will find the latest solutions and offerings. AI systems to assist journalists and marketing professions in their work – that is no longer science fiction.

Robot journalism and automated blogging At DCX, textOmatic will present, for example, their automatic text generation programme. This innovation, sponsored by Googles Digital News Initiative (DNI), produces weather reports, articles about finances, sport and events as well as product descriptions and business reports automatically and in almost real time. The exhibitor Norkon Computing Systems also offers a digital solution for automated content production.

Besides “Pulse”, a complete solution for financial news based on stock exchange data, the company also has in its portfolio the “Live Center”, a blogging solution for latest news. With this system, newspapers and news-makers can also integrate suitable visuals directly into their posts. Finding a suitable AI strategy With Element AI from Montreal (Canada), the first company to receive a financial injection from Microsoft after it started-up, is a new star on the AI scene at DCX.

Element AI promises to support all organisations in the development of their own particular AI strategy. Besides tailored own solutions, this successful start-up will also feature several ready-for-use tools, e.g. intelligent systems for ads or a solution for creating multimedia “experiences”, from voice to video. From personalisation to data management Klangoo is one of the suppliers of personalisation solutions.

“Magnet” offers media makers the possibility to give readers personal news recommendations, personalised newsletters or to produce user alerts. Likewise, “Poool” helps news publishers to personalise the “reader’s journey” – with regard to personal payment models. This French start-up establishes how frequently users consume which news items and uses this data to produce special offerings for individual readers. offers the “RESTful API” solution that extracts raw data from various contexts as structured formats, texts and keywords.

The objective here is to provide personal user profiles with suitable information or videos. The Finnish start-up Utopia Analytics straddles the interface between text analysis, machine learning, big data and AI. One possible application scenario is the automatic moderation of social media discussions. Accompanying programme provides background knowledge Visitors at the exhibition have the opportunity not only to inform themselves about the concrete solutions offered by the exhibitors, but also to attend lectures and thus obtain in-depth information on the topics of AI and robot journalism – especially on the first exhibition day, Tuesday, 10 October.

Michael Hirschbrich, CEO and Co-Founder of the start-up updatemi, will open the proceedings with his paper on “Media Disruption by AI”. Prof. Dr. Neil Thurman of the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich (LMU) will speak about “Robot Journalism” and the possibilities of computer-generated news videos (10.10., 11.30 am), while Melanie Rossmann, also from LMU, will provide a general overview of current applications in this sector (10.10., 12.25 pm).

Steven Morell of ax semantics will discuss the effects of technical applications on journalist training (10.10., 1.05 pm). Wolfgang Zehrt, a confessed robot journalist, will present his views and report on practical approaches towards automation in the industry (10.10., 1.45 pm). Hermann Bense, Chairman of the Board of textOmatic AG, will give an insight into hyper-personalised newsfeeds generated by AI-based “robot solutions” (10.10., 4.10 pm).

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