5 Fast Ways To Boost Credibility With Clients

As freelancers, it’s easy for us to forget what it’s like to work with other people. After all, we did go solo, and often because we grew sick of being stuck in an office with a bunch of yahoos.

Luckily for us, now we almost always get to choose the yahoos professionals we work with, whether other freelancers, clients, or agencies.

Sure, we know we’re professionals, but since we don’t have to physically enter the professional realm on a day-to-day basis, sometimes we slip — a little lax on our organization, a lot freer with our dress code, and far less rigid on our day-to-day routine.

These little slips can mean a big difference:

So instead of being the yahoo, impress with your professionalism and land a valued role in their next big project with these five tips.

(Have you ever landed a job or referral because of your professionalism?


Be on time

This sounds pretty obvious, but at least 30% of the peers (and clients) I interact with aren’t. Whether it’s being available when you said you would be or arriving for a coffee shop meeting, be ready at least 5 minutes early.

If you can’t make it or will be late, give everyone else the earliest heads-up you can.

How not doing this ruins your credibility: When you’re late or cancel with little/no warning, you’re telling everyone else that your time is more important than their time.

Pro tip: NEVER be the cause for rescheduling twice in a row. If you must reschedule, make absolutely sure the new time works for you.


Dress like a professional

When your peers will see you, dress like a professional. You don’t have to wear your Sunday’s best, but at the very least put on a nice shirt, do your hair, and wear clean shoes.

Much better to be a little overdressed than underdressed.

How not doing this ruins your credibility: It appears that you aren’t taking the project seriously or don’t take your job as a freelancer seriously.

Pro tip: This is almost vital for working with friends or family. If you dress the part, everyone will understand that you mean business – this is a business project, not a 3 year-long website-when-we-get-to-it-after-a-few-beers project.

Pro tip #2: Even for video conferencing, wear a full outfit. You never know when you’ll have to get out of your seat and reveal that you’re wearing a nice shirt and sweats.


Be organized

Imagine if you walked into your lawyer’s office and they said, “yeah, umm, so your stuff is around here somewhere. I don’t remember where I saved it.”.

Now imagine a client calls you out of the blue to request a file, logo, or reprint of something you worked on a year ago. Are you organized enough that you could you find the final version and open it while on the phone with them?

Abilities like these are what keep great clients coming back.

So stay organized and when collaborating on a project or sharing files, remember to:

Bonus! Your future self will thank you, too.

How not doing this ruins your credibility: Any professional who opens the file is going to consider it an absolute mess and will waste their time cleaning it up so they can begin to use it.


Be prepared

This goes hand-in-hand with being organized. You’re about to talk to someone as a professional. You want them to trust your opinions and intuition.

Know what you’re going to say. (Or at least have an idea – an outline, a few bullet points, etc.)

Whether it’s a phone conversation, a video conference call, a presentation, or an initial consult, do your homework and be prepared to discuss whatever it is you need to cover.

How not doing this ruins your credibility: You risk sounding uninterested, too busy, or unorganized. It may appear that this project is not important to you.

Pro tip: It’s okay to have a cheat sheet – I recommend it, in fact, especially when you have something specific you can’t forget to say or fumble.

Pro tip #2: If you’re shy or an introvert – practice, practice, practice!


Stay focused

This is the number one reason 30-minute meetings turn into 2-hour meetings and everyone leaves feeling drained, grumpy, and probably hungry, too.

How not doing this ruins your credibility: Everyone dreads working with you.

What’s your secret to earning credibility? How do you convince clients you’re a professional? What success stories can you share?

Comment the story.

Source: Graphic Designer Blender

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